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Preventative Maintenance Tips For Your Patient Monitor


Working in a medical setting requires proper cleaning and storage protocols of all the different tools you use. Like with any medical equipment, patient monitors require proper care and maintenance to ensure accuracy, reliability, and a long lifespan. In this guide, we’ll give you some tips on preventative maintenance for your patient monitor.

Preventative Maintenance Tips For Your Patient Monitor

Regularly Wipe Down and Disinfect

Patient monitors are constantly exposed to dust and debris, so cleaning them on a regular basis is an important part of preventative maintenance. Use approved cleaning solutions and soft, lint-free cloths with water or ethanol to wipe the monitor’s surface. Dry with a clean cloth, and let the monitor air dry. 

Note: Do not use disinfectants on the monitor’s ports.


Proper Storage and Transport

If a patient monitoring system isn’t in use, store the monitor in a clean, dry environment away from direct sunlight. Storing your monitors safely protects them from extreme temperatures and degradation. Additionally, protective bags or cases can absorb shock and prevent any external damage when transporting the monitor.


Battery Maintenance

The service life of lithium batteries is approximately 3 years, depending on how well the monitor is taken care of. It’s important to replace your patient monitor’s battery within that time span as recommended by the manufacturer, or if the performance drastically worsens. Additionally, avoid overcharging your patient monitor, especially if it uses a lithium-ion battery.



With these simple maintenance tips, you can maximize the lifespan of your patient monitors, ensuring they remain dependable tools in your practice.

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